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[Openstack] heat autoscaling group/instance relationships

I’m trying to figure out how to determine all instances that were created as part of a given autoscaling group. I want to take a given autoscaling group and list all of its instances. So far I can’t figure out how to do this. The instances themselves have a tag called “AutoScalingGroupName” (mystack-MyServerGroup-f3r72ifsj2jq for example) but the value of that doesn’t seem to map to anything. A resource-show on the autoscaling group doesn’t seem to show any identifier that maps to the autoscaling group name.

Any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks!

上述的大意是如何获取 autoscaling group 里的虚拟机列表。

Autoscaling Group 介绍

以 Heat 推荐的 autoscaling group 的 template 为例,采用该模板创建 stack 后,查询该 stack 包含的 resource 如下,可知 asg 即为 autoscaling group。

$ heat resource-list asg_stack
| resource_name    | resource_type              | resource_status | updated_time  |
| monitor          | OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| pool             | OS::Neutron::Pool          | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| lb               | OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer  | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| lb_floating_ip   | OS::Neutron::FloatingIP    | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| asg              | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| scaledown_policy | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy    | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| scaleup_policy   | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy    | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| cpu_alarm_low    | OS::Ceilometer::Alarm      | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| cpu_alarm_high   | OS::Ceilometer::Alarm      | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |

继续查询 asg 详情,未发现任何和虚拟机相关的信息,而事实上,autoscaling group 作为一群虚拟机的集合,用户非常希望获取它所包含的虚拟机信息。如果 Heat 未提供该 API,那么用户只能通过 Nova API 查询相关的虚拟机,对用户来说,无疑增加了操作的复杂度。

$ heat resource-show asg_stack asg
| Property               | Value                                                               |
| description            |                                                                     |
| links                  | http://ip:8004/v1/tenant_id/stacks/asg_stack/stack_id/resources/asg |
|                        | http://ip:8004/v1/tenant_id/stacks/asg_stack/stack_id               |
| logical_resource_id    | asg                                                                 |
| physical_resource_id   | 525954ea-a309-44a7-9e40-d793b7c754a                                 |
| required_by            | scaleup_policy                                                      |
|                        | scaledown_policy                                                    |
| resource_name          | asg                                                                 |
| resource_status        | CREATE_COMPLETE                                                     |
| resource_status_reason | state changed                                                       |
| resource_type          | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup                                          |
| updated_time           | 2014-04-26T09:33:04Z                                                |

事实上,经 Nova 查询到的虚拟机如下:

$ nova list
| ID       | Name          | Status | Task State | Power State | ... |
| 22c...0a | as-47g2...de8 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ... |
| 3f0...c8 | as-47g2...ds3 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ... |

Nested Stack

讲解 nested stack 之前,先问一个问题:请问一共创建了多少个 stack?

一个!它的名字就叫 asg_stack !……

貌似言之有理,再查询数据库看看,却出现四个名字均以 asg_stack 开头的 stack,并且 owner_id 和 id 有如下关系:

  • heat stack-list 查询到的 stack, 其 owner_id 为 NULL
  • nested stack 的 owner_id 和父 stack 的 id 一致
mysql> select id,name,owner_id where deleted_at is Null;
| id        | name                               | owner_id  |
| 5259...4a | asg_stack-asg-ll5qfhea47g2         | 8dd9...c3 |
| 8dd9...c3 | asg_stack                          | NULL      |
| 9986...04 | asg_stack-asg-ll5qfhea47g2-ue...iu | 5259...4a |
| cad9...7a | | 5259...4a |

4 个 stack 的关系如下图所示:


继续查询 asg_stack-asg-ll5qfhea47g2-4s…cr 这个 stack 包含的资源:

$ heat resource-list 99860cfb-1110-4eb6-89be-0dfff14b3a04
| resource_name | resource_type           | resource_status | updated_time  |
| server        | OS::Nova::Server        | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |
| member        | OS::Neutron::PoolMember | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-04-26... |

从上不难发现另外一条规律,nested stack 的 id 和父 stack 的某个 resource_id 完全一致。事实上,Heat 的以下资源支持 nested stack:

  • OS::Heat::InstanceGroup
  • OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
  • OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
  • AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup


理解了 nested stack,很容易实现查询 autoscaling group 资源时返回其旗下的虚拟机列表。如下:

$ heat resource-show asg_stack asg
| Property               | Value                                                               |
| description            |                                                                     |
| instances              | [{'name': 'asg_stack-asg-ll5qfhea47g2...5w', 'uuid': '43de...e3'},  |
|                        |  {'name': 'asg_stack-asg-ll5qfhea47g2...4d', 'uuid': '43a4...7d'}]  |
| links                  | http://ip:8004/v1/tenant_id/stacks/asg_stack/stack_id/resources/asg |
|                        | http://ip:8004/v1/tenant_id/stacks/asg_stack/stack_id               |
| logical_resource_id    | asg                                                                 |
| physical_resource_id   | 525954ea-a309-44a7-9e40-d793b7c754a                                 |
| required_by            | scaleup_policy                                                      |
|                        | scaledown_policy                                                    |
| resource_name          | asg                                                                 |
| resource_status        | CREATE_COMPLETE                                                     |
| resource_status_reason | state changed                                                       |
| resource_type          | OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup                                          |
| updated_time           | 2014-04-26T09:33:04Z                                                |

由于实现简单,详情见该 commit,核心代码为如下:

def _get_scaling_group_instances(self, resource):
    instance_list = []

    if hasattr(resource, 'nested') and callable(resource.nested):
        nested_stack = resource.nested()
        nested_stack = None

    if nested_stack:
        for r in nested_stack.values():
        if resource.type() in INSTANCE_RESOURCES:
            instance_name = resource.physical_resource_name()
            instance_uuid = resource.resource_id
            instance_info = {'instance_name': instance_name,
                             'instance_uuid': instance_uuid}
            return [instance_info]

    return instance_list

def describe_stack_resource(self, cnxt, stack_identity, resource_name):
    s = self._get_stack(cnxt, stack_identity)
    stack = parser.Stack.load(cnxt, stack=s)

    if cfg.CONF.heat_stack_user_role in cnxt.roles:
        if not self._authorize_stack_user(cnxt, stack, resource_name):
            logger.warning(_("Access denied to resource %s")
                           % resource_name)
            raise exception.Forbidden()

    if resource_name not in stack:
        raise exception.ResourceNotFound(resource_name=resource_name,

    resource = stack[resource_name]
    if is None:
        raise exception.ResourceNotAvailable(resource_name=resource_name)

    if resource.type() in SCALING_GROUP_RESOURCES:
        instance_list = self._get_scaling_group_instances(resource)
        resource.instance_list = instance_list

    return api.format_stack_resource(resource)